Wednesday 13 July 2011

Microblogging (Twitter)

What I found on the twitter search is quite amazing due to the simple fact that I saw how people are responding and twiiting as to what is happening in our country from security, corruption, flooding as well Nigeria's delicacy's. Twitter is the ideal way to express one's view or perspective realting to his or her community in very short form of expression. Twitter is also suitable for keeping tracks of of friends and well wishers with an upto date happening seemingly.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent evaluation of Twitter here. Good work!
    Now you still need to do Thing2, Thing5, complete Thing 6, and do Things 10-14 to complete the class.

    Please move ahead with this! I see you announced that you have completed the course (on Facebook) but you are only almost half way through. Be sure to follow the text at:

    Mary Nell
